The purpose of this Angelic Reiki Workshop
The original divine vibration of the reiki symbols was lost when Man disconnected from Source. The Angelic Reiki attunements bring a restoration of this clear, pure energy. This can only be gifted to us by the Angelic Kingdom of Light. The symbols in this workshop are given entirely through the Angelic vibration. Healing Angels give the attunements and then work with you on a permanent basis taking your connection to the Angelic Kingdom to a new level.
It will impart to the student a complete system of healing used through the Angels and the Reiki symbols. The student is given practical ‘hands on’ experience in healing methodology involving healing as a channel, healing with intention, healing with a Master and Galactic Healers and multi-dimensional healing. The workshop also includes how to attune spiritual tools such as crystals and essences.
This workshop will give you the most perfect gift for you. It will support your own personal healing and spiritual journey, open up gifts and spiritual talents, reveal your dharma and life’s purpose. It may be to help you to support family and friends or be a step on the way to share it with others as a professional healer or teacher.
It may totally change your life!
You may not know, but your Soul will know why it has brought Angelic Reiki to you.
It will change your DNA, your cells and molecules and activate your Lightbody. It will enable you to merge more intimately with The Angelic Kingdom of Light.
All spiritual teachings and energies are universally available to everyone, but through his guidance from the Master Djwhal Khul and Archangel Metatron, and his great knowledge of spiritual principles and ancient teachings, Kevin Core has woven together a unique and profound system of healing. This system has been named Angelic Reiki.
This workshop will include:–
- Two Angelic Reiki cleanses and attunements.
- One Archangelic initiation and blessing.
- A definition and understanding of the nature of angelic energy.
- The principles of clearing and dedicating space.
- Six healing methods including self and distant healing.
- Four practical healing exchanges.
- Cleansing and tuning crystals.
- The laws of healing according to the divine hierarchy as given by Djwhal Khul.
Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree which includes 8 Divine Multi-dimensional Symbols
- A complete Karma Cutting and Angelic Clearing prior to taking the attunement.
- Hands-on healing experience, being a channel for healing energy through Healing Angels and the Reiki Symbols plus the first steps in Multi-dimensional Healing.
- An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through the Archangel Metatron and Angelic Collective “The Mighty Sarim”. This involves an attunement given by 30 Archangels, the Chief Celestial Angel Princes.
This workshop is a powerful experience and lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of the Ascension. It places you in your own Spiritual Power and Knowledge of yourself as the Ascended Master that you truly are.
Full Syllabus
- An understanding of the process of clearing and dedicating a healing space. Also the closing of the space after the session is complete.
- A definition of Angels through the understanding of them as the Divine archetypes of this created universe.
- Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st Degree.
- Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki 2nd Degree.
- Activation of the symbols by Lord Melchizedek to their Galactic vibration.
- Entity release if needed.
- The Angelic attunement by the 30 Archangels of the Mighty Sarim, including the attunement of the Master crystal.
- Activation by Archangel Metatron of the Reiki symbols to the Angelic vibration.
- Introduction to the laws and rules of healing as given by Djwhal Khul to Alice Bailey in the book “Esoteric Healing”.
- Four healing methods and healing exchanges.
- Explanation of distance and self-healing.
- Angelic Reiki for pregnancy, unborn children and babies and the support of indigo children.
- Explanation of how to create a sacred space and the part crystals, cards, candles, colour, sound and sacred perfumes play in this.
- How to attune crystals and essences to Angelic Reiki and how important this is.
- Provision of the 1 & 2 workbook to each participant, at the start of the class, and explanation of the material in this book.
- The shape, sound, drawing, and meaning of the symbols are NOT taught. Simply to look at the symbols integrates their vibration into the recipient’s consciousness. The most perfect symbols and energy are provided, brought and guided by the Angelic Kingdom of Light (not the healer).

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